Monday, September 7, 2009

Debt Free | Financially Free

I found this small article though not well written but I realized that to be financially free we must be debt free. When are you going to say that you are debt free? That is when you received your salary late but you are not complaining because you still have money for your family back home to sustain for the foods and needs. I am an expatriate too who wish that someday I can stay in the Philippines where I was born. Right now I am Debt Free but not financially free.

Financially Free is when you can relax but still earning money. Passive income is enough to generate income for you to live with your lifestyle. But don't you know that more than 90% of the expatriates are not successful? It is because they are financially illiterate and do not save and invest their earning. My piece of advice is to save money at least 10% then invest it with anything that you think will generate money for you. If it generate income about 10% per year then after years it will be greater than your yearly salary. I have computed it and it is true. Try it!

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