Thursday, April 1, 2010

Open Letter for All Expatriates

I been stuck on the news, that one of our colleague, who been working here for 25 years here in Saudi Arabia, and recently retired , has die of heart attack.

It sadden me because, of the lost of another good person, who dedicated his whole life working and serving the company with all his heart and talent.

It also sadden me to know that when he die, he is as poor as when he came here.

He lost his wife while he was here, for a reason that i don’t understand, he spend most of his life working here and still when he retires, he cannot even live comfortably with his pension.

A question stuck my mind, Is working here in foreign country is really the solution to, for your family to have a decent life? Or it is the reason for family break-up?

We heard a lot about the children, lost their way because their parent are working abroad, children have been abuse, and so on and forth....!

And it all boiled down to one reason, our country men have been forced to look for greener posture outside the country because nobody guide them and educate them, no employment opportunities and even the government lied to them by branding them as the new heroes, instead of helping them educate on the important of financial education.

I’m so grateful, that my mindset has change dramatically, when I join the CREATE ABUNDANCE, my purpose in life has been renew, my goal has been clearer, my mission of spreading financial education is not only a dream but a reality. And now it is not only “MY” but “OURS”.

Help us spread the financial education throughout the nation and world. And bring back our OFW to their family.

Wilson A. Vina

Core team

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